In Solooney Moons, Big Based Chungus plays a game, With Gary Gensler, the hunter, oh what a name! Crafty rabbit outsmarts clueless foe, In a tale of wit that steals the show.

Hare-brained schemes, Big Thic pulls with glee, Leaving Gensler scratching, "How can this be?" Crypto cunning, regulatory plight, In this whimsical dance of day versus night.

As the sun sets, Chungus hops out of sight, Leaving Gensler baffled, his mind takes flight. In Solooney Moons, this tale we tell, Of a clever rabbit who does excel!

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Chungus awaits your arrival to create history once again! Join our X and hop into the world of Solooney Moons where the crafty rabbit, Big Based Chungus, reigns supreme in outsmarting the clueless hunter, Gary Gensler. Stay ahead of the curve with Chungus's latest developments and updates! Follow our Telegram to dive into the whimsical adventures, where hare-brained schemes meet crypto cunning. Don't miss out on the laughter, surprises, and valuable insights. Join us now and be a part of the playful craze!